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Sunday, April 3, 2011

70 most deadly sins in Islam

Associating anything with Allah
Practicing magic/ (khurafah)
Not praying
Not paying Zakat
Not fasting on a Day of Ramadan without excuse
Not performing Hajj, while being able to do so
Disrespect to parents
Abandoning relatives
Fornication and Adultery
Homosexuality (sodomy)
Wrongfully consuming the property of an orphan
Lying about Allah and His Messenger
Running away from the battlefield
A leader's deceiving his people and being unjust to them
Pride and arrogance
Bearing false witness
Drinking Khamr (wine)
Slandering chaste women
Stealing from the spoils of war
Highway Robbery
Taking false oath
Illegal gain
Consuming wealth acquired unlawfully
Committing suicide
Frequent lying
Judging unjustly
Giving and accepting bribes
Women imitating men and men imitating women
Being cuckold
Marrying a divorced woman in order to make her lawful for the husband
Not protecting oneself from urine
Showing off
Learning knowledge of the religion for the sake of this world and concealing that knowledge
Betrayal of trust
Recounting favours
Denying Allah's Decree
Listening (to) people's private conversations
Carrying tales
Breaking contracts
Believing in fortune-tellers and astrologers
A woman's bad conduct towards her husband
Lamenting, wailing, tearing the clothing, and doing other things of this sort when an affliction befalls
Treating others unjustly
Overbearing conduct toward the wife, the servant, the weak, and animals
Offending one's neighbour
Offending and abusing Muslims
Offending people and having an arrogant attitude toward them
Trailing one's garment in pride
Men's wearing silk and gold
Be in a business that deals with drugs,alcohol or pig meat
Slaughtering an animal which has been dedicated to anyone other than Allah
To knowingly ascribe one's paternity to a father other than one's own
Arguing and disputing violently
Withholding excess water
Giving short weight or measure
Feeling secure from Allah's Plan
Offending Allah's righteous friends
Not praying in congregation but praying alone without an excuse
Persistently missing Friday Prayers without any excuse
Usurping the rights of the heir through bequests
Deceiving and plotting evil
Spying for the enemy of the Muslims
Cursing or insulting any of the Companions of Allah's Messenger

1 comment:

  1. Oh Allah, bless us to live by Your names, to worship You and none but You, to seek only Your help and assistance. Oh Allah, purify for us our hearts, eyes and bodies, able us to carry the quran in our hearts, make the quran easy for us to remember and even easier to follow it, help us understand Your words, ya Allah. Ya Rabb, please forgive us, we have sinned much, but Your Grace and Forgiveness is much greater than our sins, Oh Allah protect us all from disobeying You, openly and secretly.

    Ya Rabb, we are weak, ignorant of what is best for us, Oh Allah please do not leave us to oursleves even for a blink of an eye. Ya Kareem, let us start living the way that pleases You. Ya Rehman, Ya Ghafour, Ya Raheem, Ya Wali, Ya Rabbul Arshil 3adheem- protect us, save us, we are drowning in our sins, Ya Rabb no one can save us except You. Ya Allah, please do not let this world distract us from You, Do not let us be among those who will be unable to fall in sujood on the day of Judgement, Ya Rabb, we truly love You, and sincerely worship You alone, not sharing anyone with You. O Allah please protect us and our homes, please forgive us, and erase our sin, for we can not face You with our great sins, Oh Allah, You are so merciful You have convered our faults and sins from others, please erase them from our records and hide our sins in Akhira. Ameen.
